
Why No One Reads Your Work (Plus A Free Worksheet)
Most beginning writers have the same routine problems. And I’m not just talking about spelling and grammar. (In fact, grammar nazis can exit stage right.) The just-starting-out writer’s writing is all about them. (It’s never about you, even when you think it is.) The work is unfocused, trying to fit in everything at once, just in…

Free Six Week Email Autoresponder Template
Psst… I made you something. You know email marketing is where the money is at, and you just can’t bring yourself to get it done. So here you are! This is your six-week plan – a free email autoresponder template plan to start building great, lasting relationships with your subscribers. I’ve made some done-for you emails you can…

Outsourcing, Delegating, and More: How and When to Hire
Successful business owners know they can’t do it all (at least not forever) if they want their business to grow. But when do you know it’s time to bring on a team member versus outsource via Fiverr, eLance, oDesk, etc.? Note: In order to keep this as concise and helpful as possible, I’m going to…

How To Get Your Next Project Out The Door In 20 Days or Less
Want to get your next thing out the door? Just follow these easy steps, and you too can do that thing you’ve been dying to get out of your head. Feel free to take at your own pace, add or subtract steps as necessary, etc. Welcome to the reality of creating things that scare you.…

Coming Home: Sense of Place, Community Building, and Being Present
People who don’t write or garden must spend a lot of money on therapy. For the last year, I’ve wanted to finish up the last of my bachelor’s degree, and start pursuing a master’s degree. Why traditional education? Because I want to teach unconventionally within a conventional place. I want to support that handful of…

An Open Letter To The Universe
Dear Universe, You and I know that I’ll do anything in the pursuit of truth. And I’m ready to go. Pop culture has never really been my forte. I don’t enjoy seeing movies often, as I’m convinced it is mostly for sedating the masses. But this afternoon I found myself at the library flipping through…

Better Than Bad But Not Great: What Food Can Teach You About Life
This afternoon, I finished up my first loaf of dutch oven bread and a minestrone from scratch. Besides feeling like a total bamf for making my own bread, it helped fuel my recent obsession with foodie culture. From reading food memoirs to learning how to make a wine sauce certain to please, exploring what it…

Half-yearly check-in: What’s been good?
Today is one of those blissful days for an Oregonian. The rain is perfect, falling steady and light on everything. It’s the sweet relief from June’s heat, best enjoyed outside under the eaves where you can listen in and breathe the freshness rising off tree and pavement alike. It’s a reflective sort of day. Think…

Simple by Design: Why Not Choose Now?
Today, I woke up before my kids did. I showered, got dressed, put on a soft purple scarf and red lipstick, and started my day in the blissful stillness you only really appreciate when you become a parent. The kids woke up, and I gave them a simple breakfast of yogurt and raspberries drizzled with…

Find Your Signal: 3 Inspiring Reads To Move You (plus a freebie)
You ever feel like the universe is bombarding you with signals you can’t quite understand? Lately, I’ve felt an eerie calm amidst the chaos in my life, and I have felt frozen with indecision. These helped me move forward today, and I hope they help you, too. Today’s signals: A manifesto on passion seeking. A…