
Personality-driven brands: a theory
I have a theory. Over the past 10 years, I have almost exclusively worked with brands that were led by someone with a powerful personal brand. I call these businesses personality driven companies. They are almost always solopreneurs or small businesses – and they like it that way. When it comes to a powerful personality…

I have no why story.
I finally realized why I despise Simon Sinek’s Starts With Why. It’s because *the ability* to have a why story is rooted in privilege. Until not long ago, my why story has been “to survive” or alternatively, “because this is what I have to do right now – even if I can also acknowledge it’s…

The most important thing to do before you hire an assistant
You’re considering hiring someone for reason – you’re busy AF. But hiring someone, even someone who comes with experience and receipts, isn’t enough to make sure you’re going to be successful. As someone who has wasted a whole lot of cash on bad hires – to the tune of about 22000 – let me let…

Edges and envelopes
I’m beginning to get inclinings of what the reinvention co can become. It’s like watching a piece of marble slowly take the shape of an artist’s dream. Pieces I shaved down so long ago begin to look like legs, and realizing I have something to stand on is exhilarating. Frankly, it’s an odd thing to…

February State of The Debt Repayment Plan
Last month, I set some pretty ambitious goals for the year, and the biggest one was crushing my debt into smithereens. So how did February go? Well, I bought my first big girl bed (and I’m nesting like whoa right now). I didn’t sacrifice the things that make me happy (like before school Starbucks runs…

In the pursuit of joy
Two weeks into the new year, and I’m surprised the direction things have already taken. My biggest goals for this year are around fun, finances, and fitness, and so far? I’m crushing it. (Shut the fuck up. I know it’s been two weeks, and it’s been stressful AF. And I’m STILL smashing them goals.) I’ve…

Things in 2018 that can eat a dick
Things I’m over in 2018: – diet ads – people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions – people beating an overdone topic into the ground (see minimalism) – clickbait that doesn’t deliver – entitled white men – pseudoscience and all of the bullshit served alongside of it – spiritual bypassing – willing ignorance…

I came home and cried tonight. If I’m being honest, I’m still crying. My sister is in town this week, visiting from North Carolina where she moved to start over again. Wednesdays are my weeknight with my daughter, so I suggested we have dinner. Let’s do Urban Fondue, I said. The kids haven’t been in…

Let’s talk money shame (And my crazy ass goal for next year)
Being in debt fucking blows. If you’ve been there, you get it. You’ve got this constant heaviness hanging over you. I’ve been busting my ass double time trying to make everything happen, including asking for help a couple weeks ago to make my new apartment happen, because I’m finally getting caught up on credit cards…

Rave Reviews: 3 Things That Have Rocked My World This Month
I don’t consider myself super woo woo. I work with woo woo people. I’m not woo woo. And, I also know that I’m in a place where I need to grow. With that in mind, I’ve done a lot of seeking recently. This is where I landed – and I hope it can help you…