
How to develop a brand style sheet (plus a download)
Most traditional biz advice says you need to be able to describe yourself in one sentence. You need that snap crackle sizzler of a one-liner that will make people instantly understand you and curious to hear more of what you have to offer them. And I think that’s bullshit. You don’t need a one-liner. You…

Not everyone is going to like it (or you)
I read a great article once (that I wish I could remember who wrote) about how a harried mom at the mall was trying to get her kids to calm down and eat at the food court. As she sat down with her kids, she noticed another mom (who happened to be put together) at…

How to build resilience (or fearlessness is overrated)
You had everything planned. It was perfect. What could possibly go wrong? The unexpected happens. The one variable you couldn’t have possibly accounted for manages to knock everything offtrack. Everything comes crashing down. You break down. You sob until you think you can’t cry anymore and then you sob some more. Why do we ever…

An open letter to a future mother
Let me start by saying I’m very hesitant about doling out parenting advice. I received tons of unsolicited advice when I was pregnant, and by the end of it all, I was more confused and frustrated than before. Before all was said and done, I would’ve knocked out the next old lady who tried to…

Belief, a bakery, and a bus.
I’ve had a twisted relationship with the word faith for a long time. When I was kid, I started going to a Baptist church of my own volition. My friends all went there, but I truly loved it. It was a place where I found a lot of comfort at a time when life wasn’t…

7 Simple Ways to Feel Sexy
The other morning, I was in a huge rush to get my kids out the door so I could prep for meetings I had later in the day. Usually, I take a little time to get ready before I get them up, putting on a cute dress and some lipstick, but this morning, I was…

A happiness manifesto: 10 ways to escape what’s chasing you
A few months ago, I finally picked up Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project. As a major fan of homework and lists (glorious lists!), I loved her suggestion of coming up with your own rules for happiness, a happiness manifesto of sorts. Why read The Happiness Project when things seem to be going so well? I…

18 Tiny Steps To Living More Sustainably
Simple living can feel remarkably overwhelming when you’re getting started. Many of the conveniences of modern life are bad business for the planet, and taking charge at home is one easy way you can help make the world just a little bit better place for everyone. The only problem is… Where do you start? I…

What a strong woman really wants
Let me level with you from the start. I am not a relationship expert. In fact, I have previously been an expert in exactly what not to do in a relationship. I’ve accepted being treated poorly, like I wasn’t valuable or worthy of consideration. I’ve spent too much time trying to make thing works at…