I don’t consider myself super woo woo. I work with woo woo people. I’m not woo woo.
And, I also know that I’m in a place where I need to grow. With that in mind, I’ve done a lot of seeking recently. This is where I landed – and I hope it can help you make a safe landing, too.
Gala Darling‘s Radical Abundance
I added up everything I wanted to do in the two weeks the class was going on, and I set a goal to hit $6950. Considering I’d get one paycheck that was decidedly not that during the period, I had a long way to go.
With videos, exercises, and things you’re not sure are going to work but you try anyway… this course is phenomenal. I had to face my money blocks head on, which of course meant I had to look at where that was reflected elsewhere in my life.
Today is the last day of the course, and I’m 752 away from hitting my goal. (Want to help me hit it? Scroll to the bottom.) Check out Gala’s site here.
Molly Mahar‘s Holiday Council
5 years ago, I was a guest blogger on Stratejoy, and one of Molly’s gifts to us to us was access to the Holiday Council. As much as the Joy Equation had changed me for the better, I had no idea how much the Holiday Council would impact me. I don’t know why I waited so long to do it again.
I already feel so much more confident about the direction I’m heading next year (and the ones I’m choosing not to), and there’s nothing better than that. Check out Molly’s site here.
Jill Prescott’s Oracle Readings
Again, I’m still convinced I’m not super woo, but when Jill felt compelled to offer me a free session, I was intrigued. And after the call? I ended up signing up for 6 months of sessions, and to be honest, this was probably the most out of character thing I did all year.
The guidance and wisdom I’ve received from Jill can’t be overstated. It’s helped me stay aware of the place I’m at, where I’ve been, and where I want to go. It’s like therapy but way better for where I’m at right now. You can check out Jill’s site here.
It really was the combination of these programs that led me to ask for help early last week.
This year has been brutal for me, and that’s hard as hell to admit.
I started this year so sick, I couldn’t speak. I let my team go. I went 14,000 into debt. I got screwed out of thousands of dollars by multiple self-obsessed White Spiritual Women. After getting papers served to me out of nowhere, I transitioned into being the weekend parent for my daughter. My son started kindergarten. I tolerated garbage behavior from garbage humans.
And that’s not even the collective trauma we’re handling daily with #metoo, mass shootings at music festivals, and the unending barrage from the cheeto-in-chief.
So what was good?
I did great work with my business. I decided a business wasn’t right for me right now. I got a great job. I met someone incredible. I’ve made some amazing friends.
I am beginning to feel a deep relief. Like I can just be, at least for a while.
When I walk out of my office downtown, I feel elated. The constant, unnecessary din of not doing enough not working enough not being enough to everyone and everything I come into contact with is gone.
And in it’s place is a breath. A pause, not waiting to be filled by a task but just to be there taking up as much space as it wants to.
My energy is back. I’m better than I’ve ever been, and there still such a long way to go. Maybe that attitude is why.
I have so much to be grateful for.
And when I did decide I was ready to jump back into the fray and ask for help, I had no idea I would get the kind of response I did.
Someone told me they appreciated how vulnerable I was when I made the ask, but to be honest, it didn’t feel that vulnerable compared to the kinds of things I usually write.
It was just the truth.
I’ve pressed pause on nearly all of my freelance projects since taking on my new job, effectively leaving me with a fixed income. And because I haven’t had enough time to catch up on paying off all of my debt yet, I don’t have savings to fall back on. It’s just where I’m at right now. I don’t understand the need to feel shame over finances like that.
May I never be too proud to not be able to ask for what I need.
If you’re on my list, you received a small thank you. But again to everyone who shared, commented, or just sent good vibes my way, thank you.
As part of all of this hustling, I finally finished up some long overdue projects.
I’ve finished gussying up my sales page template for you. In this short new guide, I’ve handed over my bread and butter sales page template to you with a full run-down on why it works like a charm and how you can implement it in your copy. So far, the feedback is amazing.
This template has helped generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales over the years. And now, it’s yours for less than a white elephant gift. (Betcha make it back tenfold with your first sale. You’re welcome.)
I also ran a Divi training class! You can get the replay here. Plus, if you order it before Friday, you’ll get a bonus video going over the latest Divi update and changes. (They are pretty freaking exciting.)
It’s been a hell of a year, and it’s not over yet. Let’s finish strong.
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Dusti Arab, Fractional CMO
And the founder of the reinvention co, a marketing consultancy specializing in working with personality-driven companies with small teams.
Intense, fun, and relentlessly practical, Dusti understands the lives of small business owners are deeply intertwined with their businesses, and if their marketing is going to be sustainable, it can't get in the way of why they do what they do. (And honestly? It should be fun so they actually want to do it.)
She is the host of Referral Worthy, a podcast for small business owners ready to go from "best kept secret" to the go-to name in their niche.